
Day 1, Like any other day in eXistence

A pRoMise to live or a pRoMise to die is placed onto the shoulders of the weary.

A once Golden Heart, Built of loVe, sits now, decayed and hollow within the intricate webbings of very delicate veins.

Highways, Side Streets, Over and Under-passes carrying Vital information for the Living;

RoadBlocks, Detours, U-Turns and Dead-Ends for the not-so-lucky and Terminal ill.

Each pathway producing a different outcome, more so, hastened and short.

What causes a Spirited-Soul to break and crumble into tiny fragments of Insanity and Self-Doubt-Creating a CrossRoad:

The painful yearning to return to ONE Whom Creates-Making no mistakes...loVing as no earth-bound creature could possibly ever loVe...And the desire(s) to stay, risking more regret and shameful pain, surely to follow...HOWEVER, the slimmest chance of success at Happiness provides HOPE! and an inkling of HOPE guarantees a Million Possibilities.

Thus! saying so, the Battle Begins!!!

Inner turmoil is sparked as the two vectors meet...Anticipating which CHOICE will prevail.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

life is hard, when it shouldn't be...the one's you love the most, can bring the most pain in ur life, leading to disbelief,disappointmentand finally acceptance-

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