Ode to my Pencil


*please read the comments first because people really get confused about this poem. thank you*

Ode to my pencil

Long and lean

When I set it down anywhere

I am set free

It makes my dreams come true

And it lets me lie to you

I can do wantever I want

So you won't know the truth

I can move it around

Make dark lines

Think and thin

You won't know

That is what's within

Watch it twirl

Watch it swirl

I hold it in my hand

Just letting in dance

Let it do what it wants

I can't stop

It's too much fun

I am in control

Of my little world

Just watch me go

A picture forms

From my mind

It's amazing

What can come from a line

A treat for the eyes

It doesn't matter what you say

Cuz I think it's divine

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ok, this is literally about a regular wooden pencil...not what u sick minded people think it is.  we had to write an ode in class, so i just looked at my hand and noticed my pencil and i said "why not?".  this really is a lil joke poem so dun take it seriously and it's basically about drawing.

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