To Roll a Thirteen

She threw the dice,

And rolled a thirteen

Beautiful Angel,

Born without wings

Bearing the burden

Of two worlds on her shoulders

Should she fall to the thunder?

The rain of guilt plummets hard

Should she go back,

To her world before us all

Would we cease to exist

As she drowned in denial?

She brought me into this world,

Let her blood flow in mine

Is this what I've become?

Roll the dice with Time

The cubes hit the table

A five and a three

Megan and Ashley

Equal eight for me

Look at that, Ex,

It all ties in time

Roll the dice again, love,

Roll me a nine

Is he my number to throw?

Will it land six and three?

The dice hit the table

Is it my turn to bleed?

The blood would flow red,

Just like before

But Shields blood this time

Did it land five and four?

Time cackles and gently waves his hand

The waves of black pain violently crash

And my dice and table in that instant vanish

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my Angel that gave me wings

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