Erotically stagnant

One healthy poem that stimulates a mind
Can you please leave all your worries behind
Times have passed and walks have ran
Crimson lights marked the streets and it's still not done

Take what is not made and break what is
Literary masters have their napalms squeezed
Tongues and teeths collides their rough edges
Rambled Words wade through Peritoneal senses
What is said can be said on silence

Create headlines on magazine strips
Scandalous affairs, a popular cheat trip
Burst onto the mics, all are just as happy
Craving for ratings, they'll always be hungry

As it feeds, the masses are trapped
Productivity and toil all have stopped
Leaves them stuck, and dumbfounded
A black small bee through the airhead

Potentials are diluted and energies are spended
Sighs and Regrets pollutes then the tainted
Blame the game and lose not the shame
What you would be losing will be your gain

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