so, when you read this, picture me walking around telling my story like i've told it a million times before......
this first one, Brianna was her name, had history with my man. they would study together, but i trusted nothing would happen. well the hickies said otherwise. the boyfriend denied it, said they were football injuires. humph!
the second one should of been me. but no, it was a new years party, and everyone knows how sober one is at a new year's eve party...not very. she, Dannie, grabbed him by the balls and led him to a room. he said he was coming home to me that nite.
the third one, now that's a dousie. Courtney and him were pushed into a room together at another party. mind you completely uncoherrent. i suppose kissing started the whole thing off...
i hope i never have to write about a fourth. i hope i'm gone or happily able to forgive and forget.