The Animal Poem


black raven

would you be any color but

the black

of a moonless night

the black

of damp wool

a curly-head lamb

pinned under you

black raven

little bits of grey

brain upon your beak

stop calling me

because I cannot

bear to see

your black head bobbing

“croak croak croak”

that lamb

god’s lamb

your dirty sacrificial lamb

stolen out

from under sight

his clouded eyes

sightless to see

black raven

with your ruffled wing

scuttle no more

your raven dance

there is no gun here

for a black bird

a black lamb


black raven

your beady eye

is scalding

you do not blink

as I

a farm girl’s duty-

I would have killed you

for what I have done

Author's Notes/Comments: 

When I was fifteen, I found a newborn lamb whose head had been pecked open by a raven- but the lamb was not dead. The raven looked down at me from a small fir tree; cawed loudly as I cradled his prize. I remember I screamed at him, threw rocks, but he did not fly away. He waited to see what I would do.

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