I'm Living For Somebody Else


I've forgotten how to write.

A poem, a word, an expression

of all that I am

or would like to be.

I feel empty

Pursuing the dreams of others and their

hopes that I will do the things

they couldn't.

You live through me

and all this time I've known it true

but to go against the grain

It's so hard and you never knew

You've never told me you were proud.

Of the things I've done.

You've never been there for the moments

Where I would've liked your hug.

But I lie down in submission

for you to gossip,to ravage

and scald with your criticism, heavy hand.

And so I'm here. Lost in confusion.

You tell me where to go, but my heart

my heart tells me no

I'm not meant for this, not here, not now

18 and already chained to a life of debt and pain

I will never be capable

Of conforming to your impossible standards of

All the things a young woman should be

I'm still a child, yet I'm on my own

I live in a world of lonliness,

Save twice a month when you pick up the phone

Money is only that

A possession with which to purchase more

I do not dream of wearing a suit

or working 40 hour weeks nor do I wish

For documents to file and read and sort

I want to be unique

I want to find true love

I want to travel to the ends of the earth

I want to confort those in pain

And none of these things can I do

Until I find myself

Nothing can make me happy now

Because I'm living for somebody else

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