Snow Day


It's snow day

The shops are closed

The schools are too

And when there's snow

There's lots to do

Winter cold

With it's frosty glare

Burns your lungs with it's shocking fare

Under boots

The snow may yield

Only to entrap

Unsuspecting heels

Nost and ear and toe and knee

Must bare the brunt

Of Mother Nature's sneeze

The flakes

They fall

Upon heads with hats

Good for they're balding

Underneith all that

Tiny tykes

Wrapped three times round

Bumble like snowmen

Through the sparkling town

And men with shovels

Scoop the load

As the women relax

With their scalding cocoa

The trees are bent

Under the heavy wait

Of would-be-Frosty's

Pushing through their gates

The cars, they slide

Like men on skates

The driver unsure

Of the turns he'll make

And the teenagers laugh

For there will be no books

As they hang their hats

Upon metal hooks

And the family cat

Upon seeing the snow

Shakes her paws

With each step she goes

So in the end

The foes and friends

Of snow alike

Decide to hike

Right back into the warmth

Of their homes.

Oh snow day.

Funny snow day.

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