May I?


May I write a poem?

Give some insight into my.

Threads and slivers

Picked from palm

Would you uncover the root

Or merely just the stem

Truly derive

From the words my truth

Or skip the surface

Just drink the foam

Blanket clouds hover

Or radials of sun unwind?


That each word is devine

Poured forth from my tongue

Dry and deprived

No order is present

Just like I

Chaotic and undetermined

Just have one

Say "oh!" in surmise

Brooks, et grass teems

The birds sing in showing

Their extravagant finds

Brisk bath in the knowing

Yes, I may write a poem

For you or mine own

The feathers have fluttered

But not yet have flown

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm not sure why, so don't ask me.

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