It Really Bothers Me


It really bothers me

When people are cruel so they can feel better about what they lack


No one's perfect!

You certainly aren't!

You're petty and small.

I hate that.

It really bothers me

When people are snide


You're not better than me

We're equals

Stop acting so proud

I hate that

It really bothers me

When people are hypocrits


You're allowed to get mad at me for this?

But I can't use that judgement against you back?

What makes you worthier?

I hate that

It really bothers me

When parents assume THEIR children are perfect


I'm a honour roll student

And on the weekend I get drunk!

So do your children whom I know

I hate that

It really bothers me

When you laugh about my faults to my face


That hurts,

I'm right here!

I CAN hear you!

I hate that

It really bothers me

When people complain forever about wanting something


When you got it you didn't want it

Why spend so much energy?

It couldn't have been that important

I hate that

It really bothers me

When I can't say these things out loud when they're important


I'm weak

But I'd like to be able to vouch for my friends

And tell that snobby bitch she's no better than us

I hate that

It really bothers me

When I can say all of these things on paper


Because I know that I do them

I'm going to be honest

I'm human

Sometimes I hate me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I don't actually hate anything or anyone. I believe in forgiveness.

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