

I could

Write a million hateful things

About how you've made me feel

How I want you to feel

Like me

I think you take it for granted

That I don't hate you

I could

Maybe I should

But I've got too much conscience

I remember all the

Good things you said to me

All the moments you shared with me

Was it all an illusion

Did you feel nothing

Could that be possible when I felt so much

That the joy in my heart made it hard to breathe

I thought when you took my hand

You wanted to be holding it

Or was it just an obligation

Or out of habit

You should of told me

From the start

That you felt like that

Because you just lead me on

Let me fall in love

With no intentions of returning that

And I could hate you

For what you've made me feel

Sorry for myself

But I've got too much conscience

Author's Notes/Comments: 

How I felt about my boyfriend breaking up with me.

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