Extinguish the lies and the hatred
Forget about what you said
I need you out of my life
And your image out of my head.
I have this priceless gift
The gift of life, you see.
But it really is wasted,
It's obsolete to me.
I wish I could escape this torture,
I wish this dream was fake.
But I can't stop this nightmare
Even when I'm awake.
You're oblivious to how I'm feeling,
You don't understand who I am.
I'm really beginning to wonder
If you even give a damn.
But then I picture your eyes
Those beautiful pools of ink
And then everything disappears
Because I've had too long to think.
The bitter irony is:
I know I'm falling in love.
But I'm falling too swiftly,
I need the wings of a dove.
Clocks are ticking quickly,
I'm all alone in this place,
And that's why I need to forget
Your beautiful, haunting face.