To bleed is to feel pain
what if there is no blood
if you just hurt what do you do
with a bleeding pain you can fix with band-aids
with out blood the pain barley fades
really sometell me what to do
is the pain i am feeling really true
i have lost two great friends
i am loosing my girl
the shit makes so sick i want to die
i cant take it anymore
my heart is way to sore
josh and Jordan are the best friends i have
they are my doors to my heart they help me out and i do the same for them
why cant we all just stay homies for life
and not fight and threaten with a knife
in a sense i love them both
the two off the are my bros
but josh one he had chose
but why bnot both of us
for the difference of us should not matter
with each stabbing ain my heart feel flatter
and my girlfriend i thought i would with with
be with her till the end
nowadays we fight
i feel as if i am loosing her
it mioght not be so but it feels like it
tha shame of loosing is the birth of my pain of choosing
so why cant the three of us be friends
i wish i could connect thoughts with Jordan and not fists
because i do not want to attack so swift
he threatens and bluff i scare and bluff
i know he does not want to hit me
if so he would have done it
and i am just wanting my friend my homie sorry i mean my brother back
all this shit that is goingon is so fucking wack
i just want my bros back
and i do and always will love her and cherish her
she is my life force Ashley i love you so much
i know we fight
i know its not right
it is a nasty sight
but i care so much for your well being
that the shit you what to happen is not worht seeing
i haev been down that path and i balrey made it
i thought that by smoking and do stupid shit was so fun and cool
but in the end i knew i was nothing more thana stupid fool
so i learned for my sins
and i dont want your to begin
so that is why i yell i want the best for you
i want our lives to be lone and true
i just want you to know i love you