



He's really nice

and fun, I met him

last year April

and went out with him

until the winter of last year

one night I realized

something which was

hard to know

so I shared for a long time

about how angry I was

about something that

was unrelated to him

which how my relationship

with men are, I am angry about

me not them



 Working together, just working

 after a while I tried to listen to him

it was hard to hear, maybe he didn't want me 

to be there, or he was just working

so after many more months of working and

knowing that he is there

I realized that he wants to be non personal


It funny sometimes, I hear him say things about

women, and it is funny because it true, I think

how comes he knows that and voice that, the intonation

and the passion is so real, he reads realism

you know in school, those classes about realism

and what it is


I laugh a lot, and I am happy, he makes

the job amazing, it's kind of cheating

that he knows me so well, 

my politics, feminsim, womanism



I have never seen a platonic relationship

in my life, so it's love, I think he thinks

I am white, college and all


Mysterious: I don't know if he has a girlfriend

or if he likes me, I don't think he likes me

he's non personal 


He's like Miami, hot, passionate, like a nice day

with no worry, 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

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