
Break me free from these bars of hell

My only home, this jail sell

For being myself I'm a prisoner

To everyone else I'm known as a loser

I hate everyone apart of the world that turned me down

But you's still seem to ask why I frown

Its because no one cares about anyone else

We all live in the same world no one's different

But in everyone, individually they see themself as better

I see myself as the bottom

Staring into the back of a barrel

Ready to blow my face through the back of my head

Waiting for someone to push the gun away

No one does

I feel the people of this world

All 400 Billion of the motherfuckers

Whispering in my ear

"Do it, do it ha ha Do it you weak pathetic little bitch"

Laughing me with a gun to my head

We'll fuck you all

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i just keep writing bullshit now days

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