It’s hard to imagine nothing
A vaste empty space
Nothing in it at all
But that’s not nothing
(It’s just a large empty space)
Now scrunch up the space
And time too
And one or more other dimensions
still taboo
Wrap it up all
into a ball
Now fold that ball to an invisible dot
And you’ve nearly got nothing
Now right at the point
where we fold it still further
Our time began
There was none before
"So that was the big bang?"
"No sorry, that was the little gnab"
We’re extrapolating backwards
Our universe was born
So ‘tis believed now
When two m-branes touched
(M-branes are like superstrings, only more so)
In their intersection,
Hyper space fusion
A casual collision
Or causal volition
If there’s a god
He lives among the M-branes
Our universe though
Like the infinite others
Is a fluke
The m-branes touch
And give us so much
The dimensions convulse
And give our impulse
The singularity unfolds