Year 2014 in retrospective



My Dear Respected Ladies,Gentlemen.Boys and Girls on Postpoems,

I must thank you all for your kind support in keeping me alive through 2014. I was able to enjoy more than 300 hours logging onto this site.I beg apology for posting quite a lot of utter trash which interestingly have attracted some attention. Off and on in my several comments I have tried to emphasize that I am NOT a poet at all. Writng for me is a way to kill idle time. Mr Jason Sir, I'm sorry for eating much kilobytes of your site and have not paid the bill.Someday I hope to take them off. Maybe when my daughter gets them printed in a book someday which she has assured me.She is quite optimistic that some publisher will agree to print my posts.Thank you my good friends who have remained friends through the year and those who have become my new friends.

You may ask.. why today ?? and not on 31st.. Specially when the world is shocked at the Peshawar massacre.The reason is that there may be some other accident which may cause my body to exit.My dear children on this site please strengthen your pens,sharpen your pencils and condemn the mindless terrorism happening almost every week across the globe.Do not fall prey to brainwashing. Be yourself whatever the cost. Adults.. please do educate your children to shun the muck of fanaticism may it of any religion or class/caste. We cannot use any weapon unless an individual wishes to. The trigger is in human hands not of God. People take refuge in spiritualism saying "this was God's will" and are at peace with themselves. The Supreme is the whole of which we humans are fragments.This tiny postpoems network has succeeded to connect some people together and I am certain that members are of a higher intellectual level who understand that a spade is a spade.

I have written umpteen words in acceptable formats mostly goofed up , unfinished and unpolished. Often I've made a mess and left it as such.Please excuse me for it.This is a live example. I've started it and don't know how to finish it. 

Just hoping that 2015 will dawn nice and happy for all on the globe. Be Happy. Be cheerful.God bless.

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