Silence of the moonless night
It's way past midnight
Sudden gusty wind- then a drizzle
Looking at PC trying to gobble
Food from the vast oceans of knowledge
Concentration blends into soft dreams
A job worth thirty grand or maybe forty
A power cut !! Candle is lit
Peering at Chemistry, History books
Filling the emptiness of the immature mind
Prints and pictures blur before tired eyes
Mind revels on the results of unclear toil
What is the need for the brain to feed ?
Writings on Mathematics-- questions, notes
Tough prose, poetry, great-- reknowned
Not one simple answer to the universal question
Why are we divided? Why do we hate? Why do we exist ?
Gloom, depression,restlessness-- the divine tools
Are immature students really fools ?
Wind drops-- raindrops rush down from heaven
Clean.. washed... shining leaves in the neon light
Electricity is back .. the PC switches on
Is this the way life will go on ?
© Bishwanath Mukherjee