Go fish

I like fishing for salmon
because it makes me feel alive.
It can be a long wait to get one on the line.
Practices patience.
It's an addicting rush
hooking a fish
with so much power.
It's a fight.

I've been a ship wreck
miserably floating along
with nothing but a few broken boards
to carry me on.

I want something to fight for.
to wash away the pain.
to create new memories.
I need a light to guide me to the door
and a hand to open up my love
to rid all the evil from my lungs.

I don't want to make things up
but you've been on my mind.
Tonight i'm gonna drive to fight
and catch a fish tonight.
Maybe even a couple!

I feel like there's something wrong with me.
I'm so afraid to find happiness again
because i'm afraid that it will go away
and I will fall into a familiar state of mind.
But it's been such a lonely ride
that i have to fight.
I have to keep getting up
no matter how many times
I get knocked down
because every line cut;
every fish lost
has just been preparation
for the one coming next
and I'm going to get lucky
very soon.

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