


Once upon a time there was a family of ducks. they were happy and enjoying the summer time in the big lakes of Canada. The three little ducks loved to play with their friends, swim in the lake, singing quack quack and eating seeds and grass around their home. When it was full moon their father used to tell them stories at night about how beautiful was Canada before the humans colonized the country. They liked to imagine how beautiful would their home be if the present were like the stories of their father with no contamination or pieces of humans trash in the lake. Latter when the cold winter was arriving, the lake was frozen, the grass was covered in snow, and the threes lost all their leaves, the father knew it was time for them to move, they began to prepare for the long trip of migration that they do every year at the begging of these season, other ducks families refused to leave and they stayed. The long flight last about one day of flaying. When the happy family were starting their flight they saw a bunch of big men cutting the trees. They little ducks were scared at them but their mother told them do not worry kids is just the routine this humans do, but when we come back next summer they would be all tall and big again.
The next day the happy family finally arrived at their destination but the little ducks where missing to much their home and they were already anxious for summer to come again. A year latter the little ducks weren't so little anymore, they felt so much more independent and free but they still dreaming about the day to return to their home. And that day finally came. Their mother told them, "kids get ready because we are living tomorrow, finally we are going back home". The young brothers were very happy, they quickly prepared all their stuff and they were ready in little time, minutes latter, they started the flight y back home, on their trip they were planning what to do when they get home, hours passed and they were getting closer to home, but the fathers started to realize that there was an unusual amount of ducks and birds were leaving Canada. As they were getting closer and closer, they saw a lot of black smoke, the forest they remembered were gone, but what they most feared became true, their home was gone, all the forest gone, instead there were a lot of fabrics, throwing toxic wastes to their precious lake, it was now all black with dead animals, with their dead friends. They couldn't believe it, everyone was in shock, they wished this wasn't true, maybe they went to the wrong lake, but this was what they called their home, everything was gone, nothing was left, not even a single green leaf, they took everything away from them, then suddenly, they got shoot down, dead before going to the ground, a lumberjack approached and said, -”Hey lads, I got the dinner!”


Luis Hernandez

Gabriela Gutierrez


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