Instilling Peace

Rodney King a man of frugality

shown an escalation of police brutality

yet still they cant grasp humanity

the ones with a case of little man

a syndrome held when they took the oath at hand

 to serve and protect

though they often neglect

claming that their force was just

"Self Defence" they scream while they lie in dust

you hide behind a shild of gold

that is ment for honor so im told

dont get me wrong they are not souly at fault

the judge they walk them right out the court

so who so we call when we're in need

when mayhem spreads in the street

Dont get me wrong there are ones who stand

for the rights of the commmon man

so no need for a upscale riot

many of them oh so pious

weed them out! Clean the streets!

Aren't you suppose to instill peace?

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