

When I was a kid,

my favorite game was hide and go seek.

My heart thumped faster and louder with each second ticking before I would be found.

I'm not so sure if being found was ever on my agenda.

From the beginning I was different.

I was the girl who spent her summer reading instead of partying.

I was the girl who didn't care what others thought about me.

Then I was the girl who changed.

I started wearing make up.

I started gossiping and tried to fit in.

I started to become someone I wasn't and I hid.

I watched everyday as eyes fell upon the girl who was popular.

They loved her for being hot.

They loved her for all the juicy secrets.

They loved her for not being her.

That's when she realized she wasn't like that.

She disappointed everyone she knew to be something she wasn't.

That's not where it ends. 

That's not how it ends.

You have the right to change.

Change for the better not to impress.

Find yourself.


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