The Vixen

The mesmerizing eyes,
A scorching glint of gold,
All part of a shrewd disguise,
She will catch you ahold,
With her constricting clutch,
Of her tail; a sweltering crimson
But it’s simply a spellbindingly soft touch.
Her tender caress will snare you in her prison.

Your heart, it rapidly pulses,
For this forbidden affair.
You cannot resist your carnal impulses,
As you’re left to gasp for air,
For her engrossing charm.
As she steals your essence,
You’ll be left unwary and unarmed.
Your soul will no longer be of its quintessence.

You feel your soul sapped away,
By the embrace of her allure,
Your mind will be left to decay,
Your ambiance is irreversibly obscured.
An ostensibly tranquilizing degeneration,
She'll make you of pathetic obsolescence.
Leaving you with a lingering sensation
Of your failure for convalescence

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspiration from League of Legend's Ahri and of course the Korean folktale of the nine-tailed fox. 

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