The Nanny Goat.

The Nanny Goat.


Why the Nanny Goat charged the way she did is beyond me. She was quietly eating the fresh hay that I had cut for her. No other animal were to be seen so why this mad charge. Then I saw her scratching her left ear with one of her front hoofs. I now laughed outright was my old Nanny going deaf. I slowly walked over to her, she remained quite still then I examined her ear. A large bump was on her ear. Then I saw what had caused the bump a wasp, or was it two has stung poor Nanny. I gently led her into her stall and getting some ointment that I knew would sooth the pain I thickly applied the ointment to her ear. Nanny’s way of thanking me was to gently but me with her forehead, I was pleased that I was not in her way when the wasps stung her. This head of Nanny’s would have hurt me you might know that a Nanny Goat by using head to but is nothing to laugh at. This is a true account of one of my goats Bernyboy.

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