Book Worms.


Book Worms.
The Fairy University is in big trouble. The library is years old and is filled with manuscripts, Books and Parchment rolls, In fact all the knowledge that has been collected over the thousands of years that the Fairies have been here on earth. Somehow bookworms have found their way into the library. The bookworms have destroyed many of the old books. The Librarian in charge has tried different ways to get rid of this plague but with little or no success. Magic only helps if a book is found in time a new copy can be made.
The Professors sent me a message to ask if the Human Race had found a way to get rid of bookworms. I went first to the Chemists shop to see whether any chemical could help. The Chemist had no answer for me so I went to the local library they I was sure would know how to deal with bookworms. The Librarian shook her head telling me that it was best to look for books affected in this way and to burn them. That she assured me was the only safe way to get rid of book eating insects.
I then had an idea that I thought would help. I am sure that Her Majesty Queen Feeanna could with the use of magic place the library back to a time where there were no bookworms in the library. In this way I thought most of the old writings could be preserved and placed in a building that would be secure from the varmints. Her Majesty thought that my idea was good and taking her magic wand from her sleeve she waved the wand at the library and a complete new building took the place of the old library. Now only a few books had to be replaced and a team of Fairies were sent to the new library to copy the old manuscripts and make new books.
Something must have gone wrong with the magic spell that her Majesty had cast. Now bookworms affected all of the books in my house it seems that they had escaped from the old library and now were invading the area of Dartford and its surrounds. Many people complained about the nuisances. The Dartford Library had to replace hundreds of library books. Many of the books in the library were very old and could not be replaced. Cowboy novels. Novels of romance even the books kept to help out the schools all of these books, chemistry, physics, geography and other books of learning all had to be replaced. Scientists all over the world are working on methods to kill off the bookworms with very little success I am afraid. If you have a small library at home then please do have a look to see whether your house has been contaminated with these little beasts. It is either that or you will have to replace all of your favourite books and that is expensive as new books cost quite a large sum today. Bern

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