A Man Looking For Peace.

A Man looking for Peace.


The story that I am now going to write is about a man looking for peace. The man I will call Joe, that is not his real name but I am sure he would not want his name revealed to all and Sundry. Joe I met at the local railway station. He asked me if I knew of any houses for sale in a peaceful area. I mentioned that on the Heath at Dartford a couple of houses were up for sale. Perhaps he should try his luck there. The Heath is a peaceful place normally it does get a little noisy at holiday times or when a fair ground comes to Dartford. Later I was to meet Joe again he bought and moved into a house three doors away from me. His house is about the same as mine with a garden front and back. He also had access to the Heath.


One day I met him walking through Fairyland and we got to talking. I asked him if the area was peaceful enough for him. “Oh! Yes it is very quiet especially after living in a rented room off Trafalgar Square. Hardly any traffic noise one could sleep peacefully at night. In the mornings it was a special treat to be awakened by the birds singing their dawn chorus. Here I can walk across the Heath and not meet a single person. Yes this is peaceful enough for me he said.” Later I was to meet him sitting under the shade of the old oak tree. We again got into conversation, “There are any butterflies here especially in this clearing.” I then told him that where he was sitting was a favourite place of mine and I often came here in the afternoons for a rest.


I thought it better not to mention the Fairies that he saw as large butterflies. One day at the clearing he saw the toadstool rings that the Fairies grow when they want to hold a meeting. He surprised me by saying I should think that there are many Fairies here on the Heath. Then he told me about Fairy rings and not to get caught in one as the Fairies keep one busy for five whole years working at some menial job or other. On hearing this I burst out laughing. Fairies I told him have no use for workers human or otherwise they are a peaceful folk that colour all that grows. “Would you step into one of those Fairy rings?” “Why yes,” I said and getting up I walked into one of the Fairy rings. Joe then told me that as a child he lived in the country and he often played with the Fairies it was his mother that had told him about the Fairy rings and what happens to anyone walking into one of them.


I called to the Fairies come show yourselves to Joe he has played with you as a child. A group of Fairies immediately flew to where we were sitting under the old oak tree. “I can see them all plainly now I thought at first that I was seeing butterflies. On our next meeting I then gave him one of my Fairy Tale books to read. The following day he came to the old oak tree. “You never told me that you see and speak to Fairies. Will I be able to speak and listen to them?” “Yes I said any one that is peaceful and comes here into Fairyland may see and speak to the Fairies. You might even be invited to a Fairy Dance. What is more the quieter you are you will see many of the wild animals that live here.” Joe then told me that it was a lucky coincidence for him to have met me on that day that he came to Dartford looking for a peaceful place to live. He had at last found the peace and quiet that he had been looking for, for so long. We often meet and have little talks about the Fairies. One day he told me that now the Pixies and the trolls show themselves to him as for the wild animals he often sees the fox going about his business. The mother deer has accepted him, as have the other wild animals.

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