


We have had quite a few visitors to Fairyland in the last two or three months. People have no sense of beauty any more and trample all over the lovely flowers. Either that or they pick bundles of flowers and throw them away on their way back to their homes. Bushes are trodden on branches broken from trees it is heartbreaking for the Fairies and they are complaining bitterly. All of their works destroyed by people that do not think or what is worse have no consideration for other visitors. I have been asked what it would cost to have a high fence built all around Fairyland to stop anyone coming in. Then things would be put right and the Fairies could go about their work in peace.


Now Dartford Heath or Fairyland is common ground and no one may build a fence around the Heath. In fact even the Fairies have no real rights to be there. The Heath is owned by the Peoples of Dartford. I explained to the Fairies that nothing could be done to stop people wandering over the Heath. One suggestion, which I found to be good, was to build a magic barrier that would surround the Heath. The barrier could be constructed to only allow people with a love of nature to enter Fairyland. Such a barrier would stop people leaving their rubbish on the Heath such as old car batteries and even old cars that were left to rot away on the Heath.


From the Pixies came the suggestion that anyone picking flowers or breaking branches from trees should have an accident to break an arm or a leg that might stop the vandalism. This I told the Pixies is stupid as Ambulances would be continually in the park picking up casualties to be taken to hospital. The Trolls who often treated fairyland with contempt made a suggestion that Fairyland be turned into a swampland that would stop people coming to the Heath. Swampland would mean insects that would be an even bigger problem for the Fairies.


What might Solve the problem is for more Fairies to come to stay on the Heath. With enough Fairies they could work in two shifts. One would do the ordinary work that all Fairies do and the other shift could go around repairing the damage done by the vandals. Gorse Bushes grow well on Dartford Heath and it was my suggestion that the ways into Fairyland be thickly planted with Gorse Bushes. Gorse Bushes have thorns and if one tries to push one’s way through the bushes the thorns would be a good deterrent. This sounded like a good idea and was immediately carried out. The Gorse Bushes did not stop all of the visitors those people that meant no harm to Fairyland were shown the small pathways that led into and out of Fairyland. Now that we do not get so many visitors there is less harm done to the flowers, bushes and trees. The bees are delighted with the increase of the Gorse Bushes. Gorse Bushes have small yellow flowers and are rich in pollen that the bees collect to produce their honey. I am happy to say that all is well in Fairyland and the grumbling has died down. Bern

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