A Pig Talw

A Pig Tale.

Many years ago in Fairyland a wild pig with its young was passing through. One of the small pigs ran off looking for adventure. The mother pig with the rest of the piglets wandered on her way with the piglets running after her. That is the last that was seen or heard of the mother pig and her piglets. The little pig that had run off from its mother walked around in large circles getting nowhere. The pig was very hungry it was hours since it had drunk any milk from its mother. Now the little pig was frightened as he realised that he was all alone in the woods. He squealed and grunted his fear and hunger. It was then that a small group of fairies found him. The fairies were delighted to have a little pig all to themselves. The fairies fed it on fairy cakes and water that they collected from the stream that runs through fairyland.


All went well with the pig and he grew into a fine young boar. (Male Pig), Time went by and the pig felt quite well in fairyland. It got to know all of the places where the best mushrooms grew and it eats of the many berries in the woods. One day a young Leprechaun saw the pig wandering around fairyland. This he thought was fine, a pig that he could sell and get some gold for his collection. All Leprechauns collect gold it is for the times when they no longer can work. Taking a piece of cord from his rucksack he placed it around the neck of the pig and wandered off to where the humans live. Coming to a farm he offered the pig to a farmer for two pieces of gold. The farmer was delighted to get such a bargain as this young pig and after paying the Leprechaun he placed the pig in a sty with some other pigs.


The young pig was now very unhappy it had run the woods with all its freedom now he was reliant on the farmer to feed him. He too had to push and fight for a place by the trough where twice a day the farmer placed the pig food. The young pig now grew fat the food was plentiful and it had a good appetite, Back in the woods the fairies were unhappy that their pig was gone. All had taken pleasure in feeding it and riding on its back. The fairies spent much time looking for the pig but as time went by and the pig was no more to be seen, they, like all fairies interested themselves in other things. On the farm the pig was now very heavy and had no trouble to get to the food trough and eat his fill the other pigs were afraid of it and left it well alone.


One day the pig rubbed against the pig sty door and through its large weight the door burst open and the pig ran off back to its beloved woods. He had never forgotten the freedom of his young life. What’s more all of the other pigs now that the sty door was open, too ran off. They did not wander far and the farmer was easily able to capture them all and return them to the stall. The large fat pig that was the farmer’s pride had gone for good the farmer never saw it again. Many a tale did the farmer tell among his friends of how the largest pig that he had ever possessed had run away. He told all that would listen that an evil witch had spirited his pig away. Soon no one listened to him, only his wife knew of the farmer’s anger at loosing so large a pig. It would have given much bacon and he would easily have sold it for much more than the two pieces of gold that he had paid for it.


The fairies were surprised to see such a fat pig in Fairyland now, they did not feed it as they were afraid that if it ate any more it would explode. The pig now that the fairies did not feed it had to look harder for all of the good things to eat. He found plenty of food in the summer but in the winter things were very hard indeed and he wished that he were back on the farm. One day one of the fairies told the Fairy Queen of the pig that now roamed Fairyland. Her Majesty looked in her magic mirror and saw the huge fat pig it was enormous. Waving her wand Her Majesty turned the pig back into the size it was when it had run off from its mother. The fairies now had another little pig that they could play with and ride on its back. Around its neck Her Majesty placed a gold circle that kept it from wandering off and no one not even the Leprechauns would interfere with Her Majesties golden charm around its neck. The pig wandered around fairyland for over two hundred years. When it finally died the fairies gave it a wonderful burial ceremony. No one knows where it is buried, if anyone finds the remains of the pig they will find the wonderful gold charm that’s around its neck.


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