Golden Bubble

Golden Bubble.

On one of my long walks somewhere in Great Britain, I will not tell you where. I had the following adventure. With my rucksack on my back and a walking stick in my hand, I was walking along thinking what a grand day it is. The next thing that I knew I was falling through what seemed to be a hole in the middle of a moor. Landing on my two feet I felt my legs to see whether I had perhaps broken a bone. Luckily I was all right. I had landed against a wall of what looked like a large cave. In the middle of the cave a fire was burning on a large flat stone. Over the fire a cauldron is hanging on a tripod. A woman whose face is covered in warts and long black single hairs is busy throwing herbs into the cauldron. A shelf with a large number of stone jars is against the what; I will call the back wall, which is the wall facing me. From these jars the woman took sometimes a handful sometimes just a pinch and threw it into the cauldron a she did so she called out, “appear golden bubble,” I watched the woman for quite some time she had not noticed me standing against the wall. A large black cat came over to where I was standing and rubbed itself against the legs of my trousers.


I watched the woman for what seemed like hours, there was something about her that made me keep very quiet and watch all that she did. From the ceiling hung many different bundles of herbs occasionally she took from the bundles an herb and threw it into the cauldron. Every now again she put a piece of firewood on the fire. I was surprised that she had not noticed me, for each piece of wood that she threw onto the fire, caused a bright shower of sparks that lit up the cave quite well. Soon I noticed that the brew in the cauldron had begun to bubble, the woman began to croon to herself. “Appear, my golden bubble, appear,” this singsong crooning, hurt my ears and I switched off my hearing aids. I could still see the woman’s lips moving and now she took from a box a powder. One handful of this brown powder she threw into the caldron and shouted out, “Appear my golden bubble,” I heard this and watched the cauldron. A large brown bubble something like a soap bubble that one sees when children blow into their bubble pipes slowly rose out of the cauldron.


Then I noticed that all of the herbs and the stone jars were slowly disappearing into the bubble. The women it seemed wanted also to go into the large brown bubble but she remained as if fixed to the floor. Making a big effort she threw herself at the bubble, which threw her back, and then I saw the bubble turning into a bright golden colour the bubble got bigger and bigger and then I felt the pull I too was moving toward the cauldron and the bright golden bubble. Whoosh I vanished into the bubble. I had expected the bubble to be hot, after all the fire had been burning for quite some time. No! I went through the bubble quickly and found myself in a large cave, around me were the herbs and the stone jars, not a jar was broken. Then I recognised the cave it was one of the caves where the little people go in the long winter months. The woman’s cat appeared next and came to me. I think she was frightened and wanted some company. I stroked the cat and at the same time I put out a mental call to her Majesty Queen Feeana. A bright blue flash and her Majesty appeared, she was as lovely to look at as she always was.


Smiling Her Majesty asked me why I had called her. I told Her Majesty about the experience of my falling into the cave and the woman with her cauldron. Taking a small bunch of the herbs Her Majesty placed them on her magic mirror. She saw the pictures of the woman who is now standing in an empty cave. Even the fire on the large flat stone and the cauldron had appeared. Her Majesty was very much concerned that a woman by using magic could send objects through the air to land at the most secret of caves under the Himalayan Mountains. This had never happened before the caves were a secret known only to the little people and to those that read my little stories. A wave of her magic wand and the woman appeared beside the cauldron the fire of which was still burning. “ You want to come to the caves to live,” asked Her Majesty. “Yes came the reply I want to get away from the cold hard world where no one wants an old woman that makes medicines.” “Your wish shall be granted on one condition.” Said Her Majesty. “You will stay in these caves until you find a cure for the common cold that is a plague to the human race.” “Are you agreeable?” “Yes,” said the old woman and she is till in the caves and the only visitors that she gets is when some of the wise old fairies visit her with any newfound herbs. She is to my knowledge still in the caves.


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