The New Magic Pen.



The New Magic Pen.


The Wife and I have been invited down into the forest glen.

The fairies have a present for me it is a new magic pen.

I have to fill it with a special ink of blue and green.

It will write the most beautiful poems man has ever seen.

All of the little folk will be there you know in full force,

Even her Majesty will come riding on the winged horse.

From all over the world they will come in one’s and two’s.

Most will wear their brand new blue and yellow fairy shoes.

The Leprechauns have been asked not to bring their pots of gold.

For in fairy land there is nothing to be bought or to be sold.

The Trolls and the Pixies all I know have promised to behave,

The Fairy Queen has threatened to send them all to the dark cave.

The dark cave it lies hidden in the forest’s deepest glade.

There is no bright light but just the forevermore shade.

My little family mouse have also been invited to the glen.

They are all a little excited about my receiving a new pen.

Finally the great day has arrived to my deepest delight,

I have not been able to sleep more than half of the night.

I have showered and shaved my silly old face once more.

My wife says I look really smart but I was not so sure.

We must not keep the Fairy Queen waiting so off we all went,

my Wife quite lively me with my old back all tottery and bent.

We wandered along the forests green floor to the forest glen.

We all slowly arrived at about quarter past of the ten.

There was an atmosphere of gaiety in the sunlit floor,

A thousand fairies or could it have been a few more.

All were singing and dancing, to the most modern of tunes,

Wine was served it had been made from the freshest of prunes.

Then Her Majesty the Fairy Queen arrived from out of the skies.

Bringing with her my New Magic Pen and lots of fresh fruit pies.

A right royal feast soon got under way down in the forest glen.

With fairy pomp and ceremony the Queen gave me my magic pen.

It was just after midnight that we arrived back at my old house,

My wife very happy I’m delighted and my happy little family mouse.

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