If Only.

Bern's Prose.

If Only,


I have this problem. I can remember in detail things that happened many years ago. But I cannot remember what happened a few days ago. If only words that I have used all of my life would come back to me when I need them.


If only I could remember the name of the person that has just greeted me on the street. Where are they all gone? Has my brain built a barrier to stop me recalling these things? If only I could remember what day it is today. No joy I must look at the daily Newspaper to see what day and what date we have.


If only I could remember why I walked into the kitchen, I was watching a film on the television. A character poured himself a cup of tea the next thing I remember I was in my kitchen. If only I could remember why I went into the kitchen. If only I could remember why I got up from my comfortable armchair in the first place.


Again I have mislaid my reading glasses, If only I could remember where I put them. What are you looking for my sweet wife asks me. My glasses I reply. The answer, they are on the top of your head. Now why can I never remember where I put things?


What makes things worse is the fact that my lovely wife also cannot remember where things are. If only I hear her saying, if only I could think of what it was that I so urgently needed to do. (If only) have become meaningless words in our vocabularies. If this is growing old or the onset of Alzheimer’s, we are in for a real hard time. I have made a series of small cards with the names of things printed on the cards. In the cutlery drawer Neatly arrange my small card with Knives, Forks, spoons. The same cards in all of the cupboards. For my Dearest, spring dress, summer dress or heavy winter dress. The same printed cards for all of the garments in both of our wardrobes.


If only this forgetfulness has not become so serious I could perhaps laugh at some of the things that happen in my home. My last words on the subject, If only I did not feel it necessary to write this small report of my private life.

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