Fairies And A Donkey.
I bought my mice a donkey today,
It really could do nothing but bray.
The fairies too all wanted a ride,
I had to walk by the donkey’s side.
I spent a lot of my time buying fresh carrots.
Sometimes I wish I had bought some parrots.
It is tiring walking beside a donkey all day,
If it were not for the fairies I would give it away.
The little mice are all well behaved you know.
They only say that the donkey is too slow.
I have a large problem finding it fresh hay.
I will give it some cooked potatoes today.
Tomorrow well I will just have to wait and see,
Perhaps you have some fresh grass for me.
Fairies, mice and a donkey are for me too much.
For myself I prefer poems, stories and such.
If you would like a donkey to call your very own,
Then please do come quickly to my old home.
The Fairy Queen would give it a new stall,
And I will give a new saddle just to top it all.
Please stop and hear my desperate plea.
For the donkey will be the death of me.