School Expperience.

Bern's Prose.

School Experience.


John’s Mother took John to see the Doctor. Her boy had this problem of incontinence. John was a wet bed and had no real control over his bladder by day. The Doctor gave John’s Mother some good advice and some tablets. John’s Mother insisted on the Doctor writing a letter for John’s new school. He was of an age to start his first day at school.


Armed with a new school leather satchel, pens, pencils and writing books and other utensils that children need nowadays, also an envelope with the letter from John’s Doctor. The teacher took the letter and placed it on her desk, as she was too busy welcoming the new children and seating them at their desks. John felt the urge to go to the toilet and as his mother had told him he raised his arm.  The teacher took no notice of Johns raised arm. John stood up with his arm raised and the telltale urine ran down his legs; his trouser front showed the wet patch. The floor around John’s feet was a puddle of urine.


The teacher noticed the mishap and told John that he should have asked to be excused and to leave the room to go to the toilets. John had no idea where the toilets were and said so. Another few word from the teacher then John blurted out read the letter that my mother gave you, it is from my Doctor. The teacher stopped her grumbling. Taking the letter from John’s mother she read what the Doctor had written. John was excused all forms of sport, he was to be allowed free access to the toilets and must be able to leave the classroom without having to stand up raise his arm and ask if he might leave the room. After reading this letter from the Doctor John was taken to the toilets and told that if he wanted to go for a wee he was to quietly get up from his seat leave the classroom and go to the toilets.


Weeks went by with just the occasional mishap some months later John was able to control his needs to go to the toilet and when he finally left the infants school his incontinence was gone, a thing of the past. No more wet beds, no more wet trousers and no more embarrassing explaining that he did not have time to ask to leave the room to use the toilet his trying to explain that when he had to use the toilettes he had to run. He usually managed to get to the toilets in time.


John is a grown man now with children of his own. He took it upon himself to train his children to use the toilets when and, as they needed to. No bed wetting from John and his Wife’s children. Why the teacher did not look at the letter from John’s Doctor as soon as she was given it, I do not know but it would have saved John very much embarrassment and comments from the other school children.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Based on a true experience. Bern

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