Park Stranger.

Park Stranger.


The Park had been closed for a week or more the high wall surrounding the park that used to belong to Morgan House had been left to the Public ten years ago by the last owner a Charles Morgan. I opened the gates leading into the Park and made my general inspection. I found the man fast asleep on one of the new park benches that had been donated by the local shopkeepers. I gently awoke the sleeping man. He opened his eyes and aked me where he was, My answer was what is your name? And how did you manage to get into the park? He looked at me with eyes that were strange. Opening his mouth he spluttered out in a language that I had never heard before. Suddenly he stood up and tried to run off. I stopped him and taking him by the arm I led him to the local Police Station. The Sergeant in charge knows me and asked me why I was bringing the man to the Police station. I smiled and said ask him his name.. The sergeant asked the man what his anme was. The reply came in a language that neither of us had heard before this day.


I found him sleeping on one of the park benches, How he managed to get over the Park Wall I do not know, He is probably hungry and thirsty can I leave him with you. The Sergeant Nodded and I saw him reach for the telephone. I heard him speaking; asking for interpreters to come to the Police Station He had a person that had been found in the local Park. I went back to the Park and continued with my inspection. What I then found was a big surprise a form of what I can only conclude was a parachute. Taking the Parachute with me I returned to the Police Station. The Parachute had definitely not been made anywhere on this Earth. It did explain the man’s speech that we could not understand and of him not climbing over the Park Wall. He had parachuted into the Park possibly from a Foreign Aeroplane The thought that the man had jumped from a space ship did not enter my head. The Interpreters could not understand the man. The Police Sergeant had an Idea. He took the man by the arm and led him to a computer. The man smiled and his hands flew over the keys of the keyboard. Soon a Picture appeared on the screen. Space with two Space Ships were shown then a man jumping from one of the Space Ships with the Parachute that I had found in the Park.


Later the Sergeant told me that the man was a Genius with our to him primitive computers. He had found and learned in two hours the English language. He showed the Sergeant some English text and this the Sergeant read aloud to the man after a few minutes he smiled and spoke to the Sergeant in English. The man explained that on the Space Ships quarrels had broken out between crewmembers. He had, had enough and decided to get away from it all. He took one of the parachutes and opening one of the small exit doors used for loading and unloading materials and jumped. He landed in the Park and at first he had difficulties breathing the Ship’s atmosphere was saturated with oxygen. It was the lack of oxygen that caused him to drop off to sleep. He is now Professor for all Space studies. He has shown the world how to make computers that governed all that happened on Earth. No more governments, no more royalty the living standards were controlled so that no one could make a fortune off the works of others. Needless to say we now have Space Ships that make our rocket ships look like toys.

The Professor often come to have a chat and it is with his permission that I scribbled this note telling of the man I found asleep on a bench in our Park. Bern Your scribbler.



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