Berns Nonsense.

Bern's Prose.

Bern’s Nonsense.


Hot sunny day again today would like a few rain showers to help the flowers along in front of my flat. I am sure that the Hortensias and the red, white and blue hibiscus could do with some cooling rain to freshen them up a little. I know what you are all thinking. Why does he not get the hosepipe out and water the garden with a hosepipe? I must admit when we moved into this Flat I thought that I would not need a hosepipe any more and I left it at my old house. Now that I have let you in to my secret regret about my long forgotten hosepipe I will get on with my nonsense for today.


I know you did not expect me to come out so early that I am going yet once again to write some more nonsense. Well really! What do you expect me to write about, I go to a local coffee house meet a few people, sometimes I break the monotony and eat an ice cream. I am not one for drinking alcohol so that cuts out my inventing some hair raising stories to pamper your tired brains with. I left Cowboys and Indians along time ago, I do not think that I would recognise either of them if I was to see them in the flesh.I could write about the antics of two small boys that livein the block of flats next to my place of abode. Would I dare or better should I dare to tell you about two small boys that take great delight in throwing their small toys over the parapet of their flats balcony.. I would if I was a wagering man place a small bet that at least someone would write and tell me not to waste my time and paper writing about two small snotty nosed kids. Not that, that would bother me. Both boys are clean they have a good Parents and I have yet to see one of them with anything like a snotty nose. Shall I invent something for you all, Has any one of you a suggestion. I have a vivid imagination and would willingly accept any ideas suggested by you or even you just send your ideas to a lonely old man that can only dream his adventures in his midday’s sleep. Yes I sleep most midday’s and recuperate my energy some of which I loose to this silly computer. Now why does the computer not give me any ideas after all it is part of a system that goes all around the world. I must leave you all now it is time for my afternoon tablets and my hot cup of sweet tea. This will keep me going till ten o’clock then it is good night world sleep tight, mind the bugs don’t bite, if they do, hit them with your shoe. Your scribbler Bern says bye for now excuse a silly old man and his nonsense but it gives me pleasure and that is my excuse for writing my nonsense.

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