He Is Still After Me.

Bern's Prose.

He Is Still After Me.


I took a taxi to our local Airport. My plane was due to take off at ten thirty. The crew were on board and we were asked to board the plane. I considered myself lucky this time I managed to get a seat near a window. I heard the plane’s motor roar away and we were moving along the ground. Then that feeling that one gets and one knows that we are now in the air. Higher and higher a few whimsy clouds passed us by it was strange to see him Old Nick or as many know him Satan sitting on one of those whimsy clouds actually waving to me.


The next thing I knew he was sitting on the seat next to me. He spoke, “You did not expect me did you now? No I replied the last time I saw you I said “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Why have you come to bother me at this moment? His reply, “Oh! I have just come to remind you that you will be coming to see me as soon as you are finished with this old body, and you must agree it is an old body.” My reply I like this old body it has served me well all of my long life. Will you be able to give me a better body when I come to Hell?” At this Satan began to laugh, you may choose whatever body you like after all I have taken a lot of trouble visiting you all of your life. You will have a good life in my Hell, This I promise you while you are still here on Earth. Satan I do not believe a word that you say. Your promises all down through Earth’s history have never been kept. How many are still waiting for your so-called promises?


You Shaw Bernard are one of my promised ones you will find all to your satisfaction. In fact you may appear invisible to all of the other inhabitants if that is your wish. You may have access to the very limited water supplies, at the moment only five; no with me of course l would be only six and you yourself seven. Is that not agreeable with you Shaw Bernard?


Satan what if I agree with all that you do will you leave me alone all of the rest of my time here on this Earth? Yes I can wait. Then all I can say to you is go to Hell and leave me in peace. With that the Devil disappeared and I was left sitting in my seat alone. A stewardess came to my seat and asked me if I was feeling well or not. She thought that I was speaking to myself, of course she had not seen Satan sitting next to me. I asked her for a glass of water. Smiling to herself she walked to where the drinks were kept and came back with some refreshing cold water. I drank the water gratefully, I saw the young woman occasionally looking my way but as she had not seen Satan I just smiled and looked out of the window.


We landed in Heath Row near London and as I walked out of the airport to get myself a taxi, it was Satan he was my Taxi driver. I shrugged my shoulders got into the cab and let him drive me to the heart of London. I pretended to go into one of the first class hotels and went out of the back entrance. I thought to myself if he knows where I live I will get no peace. Of course being Old Nick he knows where I go even before I do. This is your scribbler telling you all about my shadow Satan just be careful as you go he might even be after you, who knows? Bern your scribbler.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

More Nonsense for my Inianmate  and his lovely Family. from Bern

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