Fairies against Trolls (With me as Referee.)

Fairies against Trolls.

(With me as referee)


The whole thing started over a football match, Trolls against Fairies. The Trolls were forbidden to foul any of the Fairies and the Fairies were forbidden to use their wings. I was asked to referee the match. I was not very happy about the Game the Trolls were notorious for their fouling; now a game between two Fairy teams would have been no problem. Both sides could and did use their wings. But with the Trolls well by the time the game was five minutes old most of the teams had been sent off the field.


The teams came onto the field the Fairies had all been well covered with padding. The trolls came as they were, no football dresses, no football boots. I thought it would be better to blow up and start the game. Putting the whistle to my lips I gave a short blow. The Troll charged down the field and literally tossed the fairies to one side. In fifty seconds the first goal for the Troll was marked up on the scoreboard. Now it was the Fairies who charged down the field with their padding they did not feel the Troll attacks and as they fell they got up and now it was a score of one, one, The second Goal also went to the Trolls, two one, the fairies had been forbidden to use their wings but nobody had said any thing about their magic wands. Now the Trolls did not see the ball for a magic wand had made it invisible. The Fairies for the first time had won a football match. I myself was asked to attend the Royal Queens Garden Party. I knew in my heart that Her Majesty wanted to hear all about the football match where the fairies for the first time won. I described the match, I missed nothing out even to the Trolls picking up the Fairy and throwing them at any Fairy that had the football under his or her control. I described the foul play from the Trolls and was in two minds to stop the game but when I saw the Fairies using magic I pretended that I had seen nothing out of the ordinary and let the Fairies win. For the first time since the Fairies and the Troll had been playing this game. The Fairies had won.


The Trolls had been invited to the party but they were sour that they had lost the game and came with the intention of spoiling the party for the Fairies, no Fairy they told each other would say that this had been a wonderful night for a celebration for beating the Trolls at Football. Here again the Fairies had with the use of magic made each cup and glass so heavy that the Trolls could hardly pick hem up. They were definitely too heavy to be used for throwing at the Fairies. The orchestra played a medley of tunes most of the Fairies were dancing and singing, Fairy cakes on plates of gold were floating through the room as were fairy cakes one just had to hold out one’s hand and a goblet or fairy cake was placed into it. Then at the doors to the hall came a troop of Leprechauns. They were invited to keep the peace by Her Majesty Queen Feeanna. Now for one whole year the Fairies held their heads up high after all it is not very often that the Fairies can say they have won a football match against the Trolls known to be the dirties foul players on any football field in the world. Your scribbler reporting on one of the sporting events of the Fairies Year, Bern

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