Baa,Baa, Black Sheep

Bern's Prose.

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.


Sheep as far as the eye could see. Not one of the sheep or the many lambs was coloured black. This got me to thinking, where did the nursery rhyme come from? Perhaps in the old days sheep were black and over the years something, perhaps the weather turned them all white. Did they turn white during a heavy snowstorm?


Perhaps I have now got you onto a different pattern of thinking. No family quarrels that no one knows who started the quarrel off, even down to thinking about something more mundane such as where is the housekeeping monies vanishing to week after week. Now my title of this piece of nonsense is not so bizarre as you at first thought.


A Farmer once told me that all sheep must go through a sheep dip. This is a disinfection’s bath that kills off the unwanted fleas and other tiny creatures that plague the sheep. I asked if anything else was put into the dip that turned the black sheep into white. I was told definitely not but I still have my doubts.


Have you yourself seen any real live black sheep in your area? I doubt this for all of the sheep that I have seen over the last few years have all been a dirty white colour. Not a black sheep among them. Mind you I do not get out into the countryside much nowadays, old age and the lack of power in my leg muscles stops me from walking and to drive into the country, well you know that is not my idea of a walk into the countryside.


I am not offering any reward to anyone for reporting the sight of black sheep, it could well be that farmers cannot be bothered to dip their sheep and that would stop any black sheep from being white or as I say a dirty grey. I would like for you or you to write an email to me telling me of the black sheep that you say you have seen then the title of this story would not be so silly as I think it is.

Once again, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. The e-mail if you are willing to write to tell me in a few words about your sheep (Black Sheep of course) is thanks in advance your scribbler Bern.

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