
Poetry by Bern.



I just had to face things. Walking back to my home, an old dirty sack had been placed over my head. Roughly thrown on to what I assume to have been a lorry some miles being bounced back and forth up and down until the lorry stopped. I was then taken from the lorry and thrown not too gently onto some kind of surface. The surface then moved and I was roughly dropped over a ledge or shelf. I landed somewhat hard on a cold steel floor. I must have blacked out for I can remember nothing else until they came for me.


I do not know who they were. Covered in red and white overalls one could neither see their face, their bodies or their arms or legs? I was roughly thrown on to a table and the sack was at last taken from my head, neck and shoulders. My eyes at last focused and I found myself in some kind of laboratory. I will not even try to describe the various cutting tools even a form of saw was amongst the tools used in this laboratory.


A long thin needle was stuck deep into my stomach. My natural instinct was to cry out Oh! The needle was quickly pulled out of my stomach and I felt some drops of liquid being dropped on my mouth and nose. Whatever it was it knocked me right out. I do not know what they did to me but I have scars on all parts of my body, arms and legs. Just my face was not scarred.


Small pipes ran to above my face and mouth, it did not take long before this creature had made it clear to me that I must drink and eat whatever it was that came out of the pipes. Not once did I see whom or even what it was that had taken me from a busy London Street pushed a sack over my head and shoulders and kidnapped me. I did not even know why me. I am just an ordinary kind of person. I have nothing to distinguish me from any other man or woman if it came to that, just a general run of the mill kind of person.


I gradually gained my strength the scars over my body healed up nicely and I was now ready to get some answers from this thing that had helped to scar my body and done God knows what to my body. I pretended to be asleep. The thing came in and this was my chance. I grabbed him around what I thought was his neck. It was not his neck I found out later that it was his heart. I had unknowingly injured him just by grabbing that one spot that I thought was its neck. I pulled off the red and white overalls. I had the worst nightmare come true right in front of my eyes. This was no human being. In fact I did not know what it was. I pulled his blue and white overall over my head and body with one of their sharp instruments I made a small slit where its heart would have been and this was all I had to see out of.


Leaving the room I went out into a passageway. Looking into two of the rooms I saw nothing out of the ordinary. A bed a table and a chair, it could have been a room in any English boarding school. Then I became aware of the throbbing noise, I had heard this noise ever since I came onto this whatever it was. Now in front of me was a door some instinct warned me that behind this door danger was at hand. Slowly I pushed open the door. The first thing I saw was a huge window looking out into nothing. My eyes became accustomed to the view and I realised that I must be in a space ship flying to an unknown area of space. I had been kidnapped and operated on just to satisfy some alien scientists nosiness. To say I was angry, no not angry, I would have gone with them for the flight into space. With Mr. Space Gordon as the Hero. As in my comics when I was a small boy. But to throw a dirty sack over my head and cut me up without my permission no this was too much.


Pushing open he door the two things were intent on looking out into space. One spring and with my hand around each ones neck I applied a little pressure. I had no guilty conscience after all no one had asked me if they could cut my body up. I spoke. This seemed to surprise the two of them. Didn’t they know that we humans can speak. One risked turning his head. I guessed he was looking for help from the one that had been looking after me. I smiled and told him not to look for his mate. I might have squeezed him a little too hard. Both knew what I had said and one asked me what I intended to do with them. My reply, if you take me back to Earth and drop me anywhere in Great Britain. I will let all three of you go back to wherever it was that you have come from. I let one go and he went over to what I now realised was the controls of the ship and a half turn and an increase in speed and the ship was in full flight back to Great Britain. Landing the space ship on the Yorkshire Moors. Still holding one of their necks we walked down until I felt solid ground under my feet. I pushed the thing whose neck I was holding and ran off into the moors. That is the story of my being kidnapped. I still have many scars over my body. I will not ask you to believe that this my story is true for I have been known to tell some little white lies to prove my point. Hope you enjoyed your read. Your scribbler Bern.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my mate bishu, You would have liked this space trip my friend. Bern

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