Fairy Tale.

Fairy Tale.

Moonlight, silvery moonlight, lightning up the night sky,
Soft shadows covered in incandescent light.
A forest glade movement is all around.
Not even the animals of the night make a sound.
Fairies and elves are holding a midnight meet,
everywhere they are dancing on lithe dexterous feet.
Fairy wings of gossamer silk gently move to music divine,
Elves are the musicians with instruments so fine.
Suddenly the fairy Queen appears out of nowhere,
I, the only human could only stand and stare.
Hardly daring to breath I watched her with delight,
this was my most wonderful, my most joyous night.
Stars were twinkling in the sky above me,
but my eyes had only one scene to see.
The Fairy Queen and the little people of the woods,
my how I felt so happy it was unbelievably good.
Then before my very eyes mushrooms were covered in silken cloth,
a cauldron appeared it was full of steaming broth.
Fairies and elves sat down to participate of the treat,
I still remained rooted I could not move my feet.
Next goblets of sweet nectar for the little people to drink,
I wondered where they came from it certainly made me think.
Then cakes of sweetness appeared from out of the air,
each ate their fill there was more than plenty to spare.
Hurrying clouds suddenly swept across the sky,
suddenly all was gone; I could only let out a deep sigh.
I have often been since in the fairy glade,
with bright moonlight a lightning up each shade.
I have no more seen the fairies or watched those dancing feet
It seems it was a once in a lifetime fairy meet.

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