Fairy Trades.


Fairy Trades.


The fairies have decided to improve my old house,

to make it more comfortable for me; and family mouse.

They have painted sweet pictures on all of my walls,

pictures of great beauty that my old heart it enthrals.

Scenes of forests and small sweet fairy glades,

Fairies you know are masters of most trades.

They work in leather to upholster my sofas and chairs,

They stuff the same with their long soft fairy hairs.

Some new carpets for my creaky old wooden floors,

With gossamer silks they have covered all my doors.

On my bedroom ceiling is now a picture of the moon and stars,

in the spare bedroom a large painting of the red planet Mars.

While they were working I strolled through fairyland,

listened to sweet melodies from a Leprechaun band.

In fairyland there are wild animals and many different birds,

It is all so lovely I cannot describe it with any of my words.

Flowers in abundance lining the fair forest ways,

Al is so beautiful my mind is in a real happy phase.

Fairies have a way with the colours it is so profound,

Their magical powers cause flowers to spring from the ground

The wild animals of the woods are not at all shy,

They just look interested as I pass them by.

All are happy in fairyland all are at peace,

This will last forever it will never ever cease.

Morning dew freshens up all in this fairy realm,

Qualified fairies have taken over the guiding helm.

Then it was time to return to my old house,

The decorating is finished this pleased my family mouse.

The pictures are now alive thanks to the magic paints,

It is now a house to live in fit for the saints.

I am most happy with all the new works of art,

That I for one will never from my old house part.


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