Nudes and Such.

Poetry by Bern.


God in his heaven was thinking out loud,
The Angels were sitting each on a cloud.
The biggest problem that I conceive,
Is the Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve.
They've eaten of the fruit of the forbidden tree,
Now all of their knowledge is direct from me.
At last they know that they are bare,
All they can do is sit and stare.
The serpent knew what was amiss,
he tried to speak, but God said no.
In future you will only hiss,
and on your belly you'll go.
To Adam God said, 'You worry me,
Get two leaves from that there tree.
Cover yourselves for it must be.
This all took place years ago,
God must have forgotten I'll have you know.
For every where that I do go,
I see the Adams and I see the Eves.
And no-one seems to be wearing their leaves.

Bernard Shaw.

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