Peace In Israel.

Poetry by Bern.



Let Peace prevail in Israel,
The time is overdue.
Shalom or Salaam is a word so frail,
A word that; both sides should hail.
Both parties should take their cue,
And start Peace talks anew.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,
Is barbarous and so very uncouth.
In this day and age of fear,
Peace should allay and bring them near.
Religion plays a mighty role,
Let the Peoples go to the poll.
Decide whether death is worthwhile,
More can be achieved by a friendly smile.
War was never really a solution,
The call for peace a strong resolution.
Deaths and bodies maimed for life,
In this uncaring bitter strife.
The country should act as two,
Both the Palestine and the Jew.
Tolerance is a wonderful plea,
Work both together as it should be.
Disarm all aggressors Palestine or Jew,
Let peace blossom once again anew.
Shalom and Salaam,
Both descendants of Abraham.

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