A Sack Of Potatoes.

A Sack Of Potatoes.

I bought a sack of potatoes from the Market down the street.

I thought to hold a surprise baking party just for a Fairy treat.

I built a large fire with wood from around my large old house.

I had help with the preparations from the hands of my Family Mouse.

We built a very large fire and I sprinkled it with some magic dust.

The flames were at first bright and colourful then they turned to rust.

When all the wood was glowing ash and gave off a very good heat,

I called all the little Fairy Folk together for it was time for them all to eat.

The first to arrive were the Leprechauns dressed all in clothing green.

Then soon after appeared Her Royal Majesty, Feeana the Fairy Queen.

Fairies came in two’s and three’s wearing little skirts down to their knees.

Imps dressed in bikinis then arrived each carrying a large tin of peas

On the backs of some frogs came the Pixies excited by my potato feast.

They brought with them home made bread, baked without any yeast.

The daylight then turned to an evening with not a cloud in the skies.

I was indeed very happy for my evening was a complete surprise.

Soon all were clutching baked potatoes in their rather grubby hands.

The Mice brought out coloured lanterns held together with rubber bands.

Soon a merry potato feast with dancing was going on right into the night.

All were excitedly telling me that it was a most wonderful potato night.

Four o’clock in the early morning I went off to my four-poster bed.

Too much dancing and singing had really gone to my poor old head.

I dreamed of a potato feast with green frogs as my favoured guests.

My large family mouse cleaned up the back garden, my am I blessed.


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