Fairies Revenge.
Once the Jackdaw could sing like a bird,
The sweetest music that ever was heard.
He trilled and chirped all the day long,
His was indeed a most beauteous song.
Then he could not resist his thieving ways,
He stole a pretty object most of his days.
Jewellery and pretty baubles were his relief.
The humans would scold and say what a thief,
One day he stole some trinkets from the Fairy Queen
Such a daring thing had never ever before been seen
The Queen was distressed at such a daring deed,
Was the thief so desperate or in such dire need?
The Trolls were called in to investigate the crime,
It would keep them all out of mischief for a time.
They searched on high and on the low ground,
For this common thief he just had to be found.
Then a Red Robin whispered into the Queens ear,
The Jackdaw he is the thief or that is what I hear.
The Queen was annoyed to hear this bad news.
Such a sweet songbird that had left no clues.
The trolls then came and reported to the Fairy Quee
It was the Jackdaws they had while stealing been se
The stolen jewellery they did not to the Queen retu