Australian mounted rifles.

Empire building takes time,

time and life"s.

Diamonds and dust.

That"s what Empires are built on.

I only knew dust.

I volunteered to see the world

and seek my fortune,

oh and three meals a day,

three meals and some cigarettes.

Empire buliders

that"s what we were.

South Africa is hot

I can tell you that.

Hot and uncomfortable,

but the Boers made it worse.

I hated the Boers.

The way they dressed,


even their bloody whiskers.

But most of all I hated the British,

their puny little country wouldn"t

even fit in my back yard.

We always took their piss,

"you British with your PG Wodehouse

and your cucumber sandwiches."

But they ruled.

Ruled the bloody lot of us.

Us, the vagabonds with unkempt mouths.

Yet we died the same as them,

and probably more often.

Iloved my horse more than them.

Those bloody Empire builders.

God save my arse

and my arse save me.

I haven"t shit in three days,

must be the cucumber sandwiches.


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