Let"s all play guess who on the Internet.

What is it with this place?

That brings out peoples worst.

I wish that all this bile

would finally just burst!

Are you who you might be?

Or do you live a lie?

Are you sweet sixteen?

A female or a guy?

A Jekyll or a Hyde?

Who do you Hyde behind?

Or are you what you say,

i hope i"m not unkind.

A Bumble Bee or wasp?

Watch out you don"t get stung.

White man or Red Indian

don"t speak with a forked tongue!

You end up quite confused,

about who you can trust.

But then you check their file.

Have a look for rust!

A mature file with a date,

posts that seem quite sound.

Then you know at least,

at least thet"ve been around.

But take a tip from me,

a way to be real sure.

( This is a board disease )

and yes there is a cure.

Check out the way they speak.

(There not unlike Head Lice )

They cannot help themselves,

they are never ever nice!

I visualise big sticks,

and pots full of their shite.

They all take it in turns,

to stir with all their might.

But let us wash our hair,

get rid of all these eggs.

Dont encourage them,

they really are the dregs!

If only we could buy,

a special type shampoo,

that does not irritate,

just in case they sue!

You would think by now we"d know.

A spell sheet for to sing!

For we have  now more Trolls,

than Lord of Bloody Rings!

But if you will not leave,

please heed at least advice,

there is no need to be bad,

why cant you just be nice!!!!

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