Little sister

My little sister told me she wished she had it together like me

Never hated myself more than after that statement 
My little girl who can do so much wrong
 and still look so radiant
And all she saw in her big brother 
Was Who made it all look so easy
Every time she talks all I want to do is overflow her with sympathy
But how can someone who always knows best feel a sincere type of empathy
U see baby sis I'm really quite scatterbrained 
And I would have faded away long ago if I hadn't been chained 
By the loves of my life
For instance you
 always in the front of my mind 
And I'm rosa parks cuz I won't move it to the back
Your the only thing that keeps me fighting 
I swear there's rainstorms every day with lightening 
But don't misunderstand I'm not faking this smile 
You just keep painting it on
I go to really dark places but your my dawn
Straight up the only thing that keeps me from being gone
Constantly asking If I think your a bad person 
and if I judge you
All you need to know is one thing
I love you
I don't have any kids yet but I'm starting to understand what it meansto love with no condition 
It hurts to hear everything your going through
But I keep asking like if I don't something worse might happen like it's superstition
Constantly thinking of you and your needs
Doesn't mean I have it together 
I just know I need to pull it together to give to you 
I don't always give my opinion after you speak
Doesn't mean I'm disappointed sometimes I just done have the answer 
Even older brothers don't have the cure for cancer
But I try my best to take it away from you and give it to myself
Your More precious to me then women possessions and wealth
I'm not trying to be controlling
 I just want what's best for your health 
Don't ever take this lightly I would die to save your life
Never settle it needs to be the perfect guy 
Prince Charming to have u as their wife
Do u get it now? How much u mean to me
I'm not perfect u just make me try to be 
my little girl
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