She strolls to a qualified park where she accepts a limited time
offer, risk-free batch of ducklings, hot clouds, a breeze, hassle-
free bird chirps, larger than life originals of oak leaves, ready-
to-use benches, and free sunshine, gravity, and splash sounds.
The turtle (approved and as seen on TV) demands she enjoys
the Satisfaction Guaranteed. There is no other choice; she is
to be directly satisfied with dreams that come true, with every-
thing provided: flexibility, fundamentals, secrets, and wisdom.
Join the winner! Her lucky day is now! She takes home a life-
time of shakes (no more pesky calm!), fast-responding tempests,
new rabid raccoons, universal invasion of privacy, quicker aging,
easy heartbreak, long term mosquitos, playful sexual predators,
magnified sunlight (yes! No more sticky sunblock!), smart viruses,
free mother-approved child-trafficking, secure imprisonment,
creative sadism, and fool-proof suicide prevention while supplies