Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima

ten miles eastward    a massive flash-
bang strikes    the hitherto tame sky
growls with a thunder of a thousand
thunders    there too    a monstrosity
of matter    mushroom-like    expands
    walls quake    dust expels from
celings    the air devours flesh

those nearer    sprawled in rubble
    possess the fortune of promptly

            she deluges splatters
of vomit to her side    the cadaverous
air blurs from tear-immersed eyes
    upon her charred arms    an infant
suckles unsuccessfully

every mirror-glance reflects frozen
time and nightmare    she shrills
at attempts to shatter it    but
even the eyelids at twilight throw
harrowing reminders    every night
    dust sheds from ceiling    every
night    even the raven weeps

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